STEPS OF FOREX TRADING Education and Research Learn the basics of forex trading, including how the market operates, factors that influence currency movements, and the various strategies used…
Forex trading, the act of exchanging currencies on the global marketplace, can be a profitable venture when done right. But to succeed, traders must abide by a set of essential…
In this video, you are going to learn about different types of forex charts. If you want to be a successful forex trader then you should learn about forex chart.
What We are Going to Cover in this Video. The Different Types Of Orders Market Limit Stop Stop Loss Market Orders Enter The Market Now Pros: You Know For Sure You Will…
What we are going to learn today What Is Lot Size? Standard Lot (100,000 Units ) Mini Lots (10,000 Units ) Micro Lots (1,000 Units ) Nano Lots (Below 1000 Units)
What You Going to Learn in this Video. Common Forex Trading Terminologies Long/Short Leverage & Margin Pip Bid & Ask Spread What Is Long & Short? Trade Direction Long = Profit If…
What we are going to cover today in this video. When is The Best Time To Trade The Different Forex Trading Session Sumner (around April-October) Asian (6pm-3pm EDT) London (3pm-12am EDT) New…
What we are going to discuss in this video. The Different Currency Pairs Major Crosses Exotic Different Major Currency Pairs [USD] EUR/USD (Euro Dollar) GBP/USD (Pond dollar) USD/CHF (Dollar Swiss) USD/JPY (Dollar…
Forex Trading for Beginners Part 1: What is Forex trading and How Does it Work Urdu/Hindi Forex Introduction What is FOREX? Forex is a combination of two words ‘for’ and ‘ex’. FOR stands for…